Comparison of Academicians’ Work Engagement Behavior and Intentions to Turnover


1Cihan Ozer – 2Mirac Aslantas


1Tishk International University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

2Independent author

Correspondence: [email protected]

Received: August 11, 2023,    Revised: November 18, 2023,     Published: December  1, 2023


This research aims to examine the relationship between work engagement behavior and intention to leave. Work engagement behavior is individuals’ having a positive attitude towards their job, interacting with their job at an advanced level emotionally, physically and mentally, having a positive attitude and sensitivity towards their job, and integrating with it. Intention to leave is defined as a conscious decision made by individuals to leave the organization if they are dissatisfied with their job conditions. In the study, data was taken from academics working at the university as a sample. A survey prepared via Google Form was sent electronically to the e-mail addresses of randomly selected academicians from various university clusters. Surveys conducted electronically provide convenience to the researcher, but low survey response rates constitute a limitation of the research. 335 academicians who answered the survey formed the sample group. As a result of the analysis, it was seen that work engagement differed in favor of private universities, and both work engagement and intention to leave did not differ according to age, gender, marital status, educational status and title. As a result of regression analysis, It was determined that there was a moderate negative relationship between work engagement and intention to quit, and that dedication behavior negatively affected the intention to quit by 41.3%.

Keywords: Work Commitment, Intention to Quit. 

Gel Codes: M50, P17, D21, D23

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Ozer , C., & Aslantas, M. (2023). Comparison of Academicians’ Work Engagement Behavior and Intentions to Turnover. Eurasian Journal of Management & Social Sciences, 4(2).

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