The Role of the US & UK: Towards the Independence of Kurdistan
Sheraz Ibrahim
Department of Law, College of Law and International Relations, Lebanese French University, Erbil, Kurdistan region, Iraq.
Correspondence: [email protected]
Received: November 28, 2022 Revised: February 13, 2023 Published: August, 2023
The self-interest of outside actors obscures the vision of a better future for the Kurds. The determination of achieving Kurdish independence has been a rollercoaster due to the different stakeholders in the region and divergent interests of key players of the international community, most notably the United States (US). Yet the question of statehood in Kurdistan appears to be a little nuisance to the US and the United Kingdom (UK). The last time the British government had a determined stance with the Kurds in relation to Kurdish autonomy was in 1991. However, the British government found itself to be a close ally of Iran when the referendum was held in September 2017. This inconsistency may be related to a matter of ill-timing or a lack of support for Kurdish independence. In fact, the question of Kurdish statehood remains a greatly ambiguous and ambivalent topic. The Kurds have stood alone in their pursuit of secular and democratic values in a largely religious, fundamentalist, and anti-Western Middle East region. The international community, as well as international law inadequately supports an independent Kurdish state. This paper will neatly assess the importance of the US and UK’s approach towards an independent Kurdistan and the imprecise moves from these two powerful countries. This requires analyzing questions such as whether the US and the UK left the Kurds behind by not supporting Kurdish independence.
Keywords: KRG, US, UK, Kurdistan Independent, great powers, self-determination, International Law.
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Ibrahim, S. (2023). The role of the US & UK: Towards the independence of Kurdistan, Eurasian Journal of Management & Social Sciences, 4(1).
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