The Role of Green Human Resources Management in Achieving Organizational Sustainability an Analytical Study of The Opinions of Administrative Leaders In A Sample of Oil and Gas Producing Companies in The Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Beston Muhammed Qadir 1 , Range M. Nori 2 and Daroon Faridun Abdulla 3

1Department of Oil, Gas and Energy Management, College of Business, Charmo University
Chamchamal, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
2Department of Banking & Financial Sciences – College of Administration and Economics
University of Zakho, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
3Department of Business Management, College of Administration and Economics
University of Sulaymaniyah, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Correspondence: [email protected]

Received: September 28, 2022              Revised: October 20, 2022                     Published: October 30, 2022

The aim of the study is to figure out the role of Green Human Resources Management through (green
recruitment and selection, green training and development, green performance management, green rewards
and compensation, green Orientation and green health and safety management) in achieving Organizational
Sustainability by its dimension (Economic, Social, Environmental and Ethical) in Oil and Gas producer
Companies in Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The research problem is to figure out many questions about the
correlation and regression between the research’s variables. The main question of the research is to seek
information about figuring out the level of the variables of the current study as well as figuring the role of
GHRM in achieving organizational sustainability in the field of oil and gas management in the Kurdistan
Region of Iraq. The descriptive analytical approach was adopted in describing the study’s variables and
dimensions then analyzed the relationship between independent variable (Green Human Resources
Management) and the dependent variable generational Sustainability. The research is being conducted on
oil and gas production companies that work in KRG, as well as the oil and gas fields in which production
continues and under the authority of the Kurdistan Regional Government become part of the research.
Keywords: Green Human Resources Management, Organizational Sustainability, Oil and Gas
Producing Companies, Kurdistan Region of Iraq

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Qadir, B. M., Nori, R. M., & Abdulla, D. F. (2022). The Role of Green Human Resources Management in Achieving Organizational Sustainability an Analytical Study of The Opinions of Administrative Leaders. Eurasian Journal of Management & Social Sciences, 3(3), 1-21.

© Qadir, B. M., Nori, R. M., & Abdulla, D. F., Published by EJMSS. This article is published under the Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0) license. Anyone may copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this license may be seen at


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