The Impact of TPB on Entrepreneurial Intentions

Author: Fayeq Ali Ali1
1Department of Business Management, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Tishk International University, Erbil, Iraq

Abstract: The current research aims to undertake a study on the impact of the theory of planned behavior on entrepreneurial intentions among undergraduate students of both business and accounting departments at Tishk International University, Erbil. Based on the theoretical background there are factors that shape an individual to have entrepreneurial intentions such as personal and social factors (Bird,1988). The objective of this research is to evaluate which variable has more impact on entrepreneurial intentions. The current research adopted a quantitative method by distributing a questionnaire among undergraduate students. Data gathered through a Google form and used SPSS V. 25 for finding the impact of TPB on EI through both correlation and regression analysis. The finding shows that the Perceived Attitude has more impact on entrepreneurial intention comparing to subjective norms. This research concluded that Personal Attitude has more impact, after comes perceived Behavioral Control and a weak and less impact from the subjective norm on entrepreneurial intentions.

Keywords: Entrepreneurial Intentions, Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)

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